Get involved

There are several ways to get involved with FREC: by volunteering, providing financial support, and by spreading the word abAout our programs to friends and colleagues.

FREC Shared Learning Community Circle

Join us at the monthly FREC Shared Learning Community Circle where we share learning on diverse topics and brief FREC updates. Visit the FREC Shared Learning Page to review upcoming topics and materials.

  • Meets every second Thursday of each month 
  • Time: 4:30-6PM (CST)
  • Meeting online via Zoom

FREC Orientation & Information Session

Volunteer opportunities include participating in the Overcoming Racism Conference planning, being a Conference volunteer, or helping with the Leadership Institute or other FREC programs. The best way to get started is by attending one of our Orientation & Information Sessions and meeting others who are involved. We invite anyone to join who is committed to working against systemic racism, white privilege/supremacy, and colonialism.

  • Meets quarterly via Zoom
  • 2024 Orientation Dates coming soon

Get the FREC Newsletter

Stay in the know by signing up today! Also, please feel free to contact us with any questions or ideas you have.